Hooray, spring is finally here! Did the winter feel like it was a year long? It’s time to shake off those cold-weather blues and start getting your home ready for warmer weather. While spring cleaning may seem like a daunting task after months inside, you can actually conquer it quickly. Here’s how you can tackle your spring clean in just one weekend.
Friday — prep
The key to completing your spring clean in just one weekend is to be prepared. It’s such a bummer to run out of supplies halfway through the job. For this reason, you should inventory what you’ve got on hand before you get things underway. This gives you a chance to stock up so that you aren’t sidelined during the process. You can start this process a week early so you can order supplies online. Or save it for a Friday night and a quick trip to the store to get what you need. In addition to getting all your supplies ready, you should also designate a place near the front door where you’ll stash items you want to donate. That will make it much easier to get those things out the door on your next trip out.
Saturday morning — start with the bedroom
Saturday morning starts with the bedroom. The first thing you want to do is strip the bed and throw those linens in the wash. If your curtains can be laundered, then throw those in as well. Curtains that can’t be washed should be vacuumed thoroughly. Flip your mattress and remake the bed with fresh sheets and a lighter comforter for warmer months. Vacuum from ceiling to floor, making sure to get in each of the corners where cobwebs tend to hide. Dust and polish all surfaces. Repeat all the steps above for each bedroom.
Saturday afternoon/evening — move to the bathroom
Once the bedrooms are complete, it’s time to tackle the bathroom. Wash the shower curtain if possible. Clean the bathtub, shower, toilet, and sinks. Go through bathroom cabinets and drawers and toss items that have expired or that you no longer use. Sweep or mop the floor, and repeat for every bathroom in your house.
Sunday morning — tackle the kitchen
Start Sunday morning by cleaning the stove and oven. If it’s particularly grimy, then you may want to spray it with oven cleaner on Saturday evening so it has time to work its magic. Defrost the freezer if necessary and deep clean the refrigerator, tossing expired or rotten food. Clean the microwave and other appliances and wipe down all surfaces. Mop the floor and clean up any pet areas nearby. Take out the trash and recycling.
Sunday afternoon — finish with living areas
Finish up your spring cleaning weekend by concentrating on living and entertaining areas. Vacuum curtains, furniture, and floors. Dust all surfaces from the top down.
Sunday evening — relax and enjoy
By the time Sunday evening arrives, it’s time for you to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor! Open the windows to let in a little fresh air and take a hot bath in your sparkling clean tub to relax.
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